
Jess Andersson, “Love, War, and Undecidability: Deconstructing ‘The Things They Carried,'” 1st Place ENL 259

Jess Andersson, Fall 2009 Tim O’Brien’s short story, later turned novel, The Things They Carried, embodies the hardships and sentiments of wartime soldiers. The piece offers binary oppositions through the interplay between Lieutenant Jimmy Cross and his fantasized lover Martha. The ideologies of heterosexual love, shown through intimacy, separation, fantasy, and reality, are presented and… Read more Jess Andersson, “Love, War, and Undecidability: Deconstructing ‘The Things They Carried,’” 1st Place ENL 259

Olivia Hull, “Save the Gingers: A Proposal to Save Our Red-Headed Friends from Possible Extinction,” 1st Place ENL 260

Olivia Hull, Fall 2009 On November 20, 2009 a group of three middle school boys attacked another boy at A.E. Wright Middle School in Calabasas, California. This attack was not an isolated incident and at this school a total of seven other students were also bullied as a result of a Facebook group called “National… Read more Olivia Hull, “Save the Gingers: A Proposal to Save Our Red-Headed Friends from Possible Extinction,” 1st Place ENL 260

Meghan Matheson, “Here’s the Situation… An Evaluation of MTV’s ‘Jersey Shore,'” 1st Place ENL 260

Meghan Matheson, Fall 2011 It’s ten o’clock on a Thursday night. The popcorn’s ready. The anticipation is palpable as MTV’s hit series, “Jersey Shore,” has its second season finale tonight. There has been enough drama, cat-fights, bar-fights, hook-ups, jokes, pranks, and controversy to accumulate a pretty decent ending to this fiery season, which was set… Read more Meghan Matheson, “Here’s the Situation… An Evaluation of MTV’s ‘Jersey Shore,’” 1st Place ENL 260

Sara Kelley, “Where is Your Wallet?” 1st Place ENL 260

Sara Kelley, Fall 2006 A well-known commercial asks, “What’s in your wallet?”: an interesting question, intended to increase awareness about a certain credit card. I would like to ask a similar question, “Where is your wallet?,” intended to increase the awareness (particularly in men) about the dangers of carrying a wallet in the back pocket.… Read more Sara Kelley, “Where is Your Wallet?” 1st Place ENL 260

Kristie LaBerge, “Pom-Struck,” 1st Place ENL 260

Kristie LaBerge, Fall 2009 I walk into my Birch apartment and am immediately assaulted by the red splattered all over the walls. My fingers release. The Target bags slam and loose their canned goods. Silence. I tiptoe through the still air and over the tile stained with red splotches. My heart beating frantically, I spot… Read more Kristie LaBerge, “Pom-Struck,” 1st Place ENL 260

Eileen Dunleavy, “The Art of Swaying a Hostile Crowd: Marc Antony’s Funeral Oration of Julius Caesar,” 2nd Place ENL 257

Eileen Dunleavy, Spring 2007 In William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, Mark Antony pleads with his “Friends, Romans (and) countrymen” to lend him their ears in an effort to exonerate Caesar from false charges laid against him. The three main conspirators in Caesar’s murder, Brutus, Casca and Cassius portrayed Caesar as an ambitious tyrant to the Roman… Read more Eileen Dunleavy, “The Art of Swaying a Hostile Crowd: Marc Antony’s Funeral Oration of Julius Caesar,” 2nd Place ENL 257

Sloan Piva, “The Many Definitions and Great Functions of Rhetoric: A Poetic and Pragmatic Art Form that Moves the World,”2nd Place ENL 257

Sloan Piva, Fall 2011 Throughout history, those critical of rhetoric have dismissed it as a craft of empty talk.  Perhaps most famously, Plato condemned rhetorical discourse as “foul” and “ugly” within his 4th-century dialogue entitled Gorgias.  Centuries later, John Locke advanced such negative critiques of the practice, claiming that accepting rhetors is the same as… Read more Sloan Piva, “The Many Definitions and Great Functions of Rhetoric: A Poetic and Pragmatic Art Form that Moves the World,”2nd Place ENL 257

John Michael Bell, “Analysis of Google’s ‘Parisian Love,'”2nd Place ENL 257

John Michael Bell, Spring 2010 A good commercial needs to hook its viewers, convince them to watch it, make them remember it, and persuade them into thinking that its product will be valuable in their lives. Google’s Super Bowl commercial, “Parisian Love”, did all of these things, and through unusual means. Typical Super Bowl commercials… Read more John Michael Bell, “Analysis of Google’s ‘Parisian Love,’”2nd Place ENL 257

Keith Amaral, “An Analysis of Jim Valvano’s ’93 ESPY Awards Speech,” 2nd Place ENL 257

Keith Amaral, Fall 2009 The cancer epidemic is undeniably one of the biggest exigencies the world currently faces; statistics show that it is a leading cause of death in the United States (“Cancer”). Though progress has been made in the fight to end cancer, the cure remains elusive. While there are many champions for the… Read more Keith Amaral, “An Analysis of Jim Valvano’s ’93 ESPY Awards Speech,” 2nd Place ENL 257

Angela Tieng, “Now and Then,” 2nd Place ENL 258

Angela Tieng, Fall 2011 History is the study of a human past; but, for Ireland, history is not merely that. History is as much the living, breathing present. Ireland’s people are aware of their dejected “history,” which stares them in the face every day, anew. The violence and innumerable pains Northern Ireland has suffered at… Read more Angela Tieng, “Now and Then,” 2nd Place ENL 258