We are now accepting papers for the Fall 2024 issue of Corridors. Submit your best work from literature or writing courses from the 2023-24 year (Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring) for publication. Each author may submit up to two papers for consideration from different classes. All review is anonymous. To submit your paper, email corridors@umassd.edu. Rolling deadline, until May 30, 2024. Students in Summer ’24 courses can submit by August 31, 2024.
How do we choose? Like academic journals, Corridors submissions receive an anonymous peer review, which means at least two faculty members read submissions that have no identifying markers to determine which papers will be published.
Submission Guidelines
Format your essays as follows:
- Title your file with your last name and the course number: Shelby_258.doc
- Files must be Word documents (.doc or .docx)
- For 200-level foundation courses, the length is about three to five double-spaced pages, 12-point font in Times New Roman, with 1-inch margins (about 1200-1500 words); for upper-level courses, length will vary (between 7-12 for 300-level or 15-20 for capstones).
- Style, including a Works Cited page, should follow the most recent MLA guidelines.
- Include a cover letter that identifies your name, the title of the essay, the class, and the semester you took it.
- Remove your name from the essay itself, and just include the title and course number, on every page—submissions are read and refereed anonymously, just like premier academic journals
Review Process
Essays that are submitted for consideration in the journal will be reviewed by an editorial team of faculty members. Submissions will be refereed anonymously. When you email your submission to corridors@umassd.edu, please ensure that no identifying information is present in the content of the paper.
Copyright, Privacy, and Consent Policy
Authors retain copyright, but give their consent to Corridors to publish their work.