Emily Wingate, “Elisa’s Unhappiness in ‘The Chrysanthemums,'” 3rd Place ENL 259

Emily Wingate, Spring 2008 John Steinbeck’s short story “The Chrysanthemums” centers on Eliza and her relationship with her husband Henry. Critic Gregory Palmerino brings light to their relationship issues. He argues: “everywhere there is conflict in “The Chrysanthemums”, but nowhere is there a fight. This absence of friction prevents Henry and Elisa’s relationship from progressing,… Read more Emily Wingate, “Elisa’s Unhappiness in ‘The Chrysanthemums,’” 3rd Place ENL 259

Nathan Valente, “Blitzkrieg on a Disorder,” 3rd Place ENL 260

Nathan Valente, Fall 2007 Short stubby fingers wrap themselves tightly around a number-two pencil. The eraser taps the desktop in rhythm to the unheard music while small, untied sneakers kick back and forth underneath the cold metal chair. Focus locks onto the blackboard to see a jumble of white numbers and symbols crowding the smooth… Read more Nathan Valente, “Blitzkrieg on a Disorder,” 3rd Place ENL 260