Lovely – ENL 260: Intermediate Composition

Kara Schoen, Spring 2010 Most people believe they’ve seen true beauty; in the eyes of lovers, in the sun sinking deep below the marble sky or in the birth of a long-awaited child, but true beauty that exists isn’t physical. This beauty rises from the ashes, after you’ve been trapped in a long and painful… Read more Lovely – ENL 260: Intermediate Composition

Why Heroin Should be Legalized – ENL 260: Intermediate Composition

Malini Frederick, Spring 2010 Heroin has gotten a bad reputation. All you hear about it is negative. But the thought of legalizing it? You are probably shaking your head in horror. Really though, what personal experience do you really have with heroin? Isn’t all you know based on the media, which we know is biased… Read more Why Heroin Should be Legalized – ENL 260: Intermediate Composition